Payment information
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- Summerhockeyschool
- Payment Information
Ahead of the Summer Hockey School
Payments should be made to Rooth Performance AB (Bankgiro 5068-8647 or via SWISH number 123 023 46 66).
Cost for Goalkeepers:
3,500 SEK (incl. VAT). This fee includes the same benefits as for boarding students. However, the student may decide whether to participate as a boarding or day student.
Cost for Boarding Students:
5,200 SEK (incl. VAT). This fee includes accommodation, breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner, evening snacks, ice sessions, activities, a t-shirt, a water bottle, and a diploma.
Cost for Day Students:
4,400 SEK (incl. VAT). This fee includes lunch, snacks, ice sessions, activities, a t-shirt, a water bottle, and a diploma.
Sibling Discount:
The first sibling pays full price. Subsequent siblings receive a discount of 700 SEK, but only for boarding students. The sibling discount does not apply to day students or goalkeepers.
Discount for Two Weeks Participation:
We encourage students to register for both Week 29 and Week 31. Students registering for both weeks will receive a discount of 400 SEK per student for the second week.
Admission Notice: Admissions will be communicated continuously upon receipt of the application.
Payment Details:
We appreciate and prefer full payment upfront. However, if you wish to split the payment, please follow the instructions below. Note: The goalkeeper fee must be paid in full in a single installment.
Registration Fee:
1,500 SEK should be paid to Rooth Performance AB (Bankgiro 5068-8647 or via SWISH number 123 023 46 66) within 10 days of receiving the admission notice. Include the child’s name and personal ID number with the payment.
Important! No invoice will be issued for either the registration or final payment.
Final Payment:
The remaining amount of 2,900 SEK (day student) or 3,700 SEK (boarding student) should be paid to the above bank account or SWISH by April 30th. Include the child’s name, personal ID number, and the week.
Important! No invoice will be issued for either the registration or final payment.
Final Application Date: Applications are accepted as long as spots are available.
Cancellation Policy:
If the cancellation is supported by a medical certificate, the school will retain 500 SEK for administrative costs.
For cancellations before March 1st, the school will retain 500 SEK for administrative fees; the rest will be refunded.
For cancellations made from March 1st up to one week before the start of the school, the school will retain the full registration fee of 1,500 SEK.
For cancellations within seven days of the school’s start date, the school will retain 3,000 SEK.
Once the student has started the school, no refunds will be issued.
International Payments:
Rooth Performance AB
IBAN: SE64 8000 0821 4969 4263 5068
Force Majeure:
If a force majeure situation arises and the school, due to circumstances beyond its control, or due to decisions by the hockey federation or authorities concerning participant safety or health, is forced to cancel the summer hockey school, the school will retain 500 SEK for administrative costs. This is intended to cover a small portion of the planning and work required to organize the summer hockey school each year.
Rooth Performance AB
Rapsgatan 41
SE- 262 53 Ängelholm